Lutheran Archives at Philadelphia, Philadelphia PA

Contact information:
John Patterson, Curator & Kin-Eric Williams, Archivist
Phone: 215-248-6383 & 248-6237
Phone: 215-248-6383 & 248-6237
7301 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19119
Philadelphia, PA 19119
Tues., Wed. and Fri. 1 to 4 p.m. Call ahead to make an appointment. Not always open during listed hours.
$10 per day research fee.
Types of records available:
Lutheran Church records dating from mid-1700's.
Hand-written clergy notes from mid-1700's.
Day Books from mid-1700's.
Hand-written clergy notes from mid-1700's.
Day Books from mid-1700's.
Additional information:
The Lutheran Archives Center at Philadelphia is the Northeast Regional Archives (Region 7) for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). It is a part of a network on nine regional archives programs and a national level (churchwide) archives in the ELCA. Our service area is limited to Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Upstate New York, Metropolitan New York city, and New England.
Located in the Brossman Bldg. on the campus of the Lutheran Theological Seminary (next door to the Krauth Memorial Library Bldg.), which also has some historical church records.
Enter the seminary campus from the main entrance on Germantown Ave., bear right and follow the signs to the Brossman bldg. Free parking is available behind the Brossman Bldg.
Located in the Brossman Bldg. on the campus of the Lutheran Theological Seminary (next door to the Krauth Memorial Library Bldg.), which also has some historical church records.
Enter the seminary campus from the main entrance on Germantown Ave., bear right and follow the signs to the Brossman bldg. Free parking is available behind the Brossman Bldg.
Submitter found a day book from a pastor from the mid-1700's, who was a doodler. It was filled with beautiful bright colored Pennsylvania Dutch-style frakturs. An absolute work of art as well as a valuable genealogical resource. It contained over 50 years of his baptismal records!
Thanks to volunteer Connie Ace for visiting this organization
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