Search the BCGS Database

The Bucks County Genealogical Society has been fortunate to receive a donation of transcribed Bucks County records from Charter Member Tom Myers, and is using these donated records to begin building a searchable Bucks County Records database available to the public on this web site. The first groups of records added to the database were Bucks County birth and death records registered between 1893 and 1907, and Bucks County marriage records from 1885 to 1907. Additional record groups from this donation are being added as they are ready, including newspaper extracts and records from Bucks County churches. Since that original donation, BCGS has received donations of many more Bucks County records, including gravestone and burial transcriptions from area cemeteries, and those records are being added to the database as well.

As of March 11, 2025 the BCGS database contains:
      • 35,384 birth and baptism records
      • 21,128 marriage records
      • 119,924 death and burial records
      • 74,199 other miscellaneous records
      • 426,357 total searchable names

Latest additions as of 6 February 2024:
  • Over 12,100 names from baptismal records of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nockamixon, from as early as 1766 up to 1921.

    Click here to view a list of the record groups currently available in the database.

    To search the database, enter any or all of the following criteria to search for. Only items matching ALL of your entries will be selected. The search is NOT case sensitive.

    To search for partial matches, just type the partial name. A search on surname WIL will return matches on WILLIAMS, WILSON, etc.


    Please note that the entries in this database are transcriptions of original records made by volunteers and donated to the BCGS. As we all know, transcribed records often contain transcription errors, which is why recommended genealogical research practices include locating the original record and confirming the information directly from the source.

    This database is to intended to reflect as closely as possible the information in the original record, whether or not that original record is complete and accurate. If you find an instance of a transcription error (where the information shown in the database does not match the original record), please provide us with a copy of the original record, and we will make a correction to the transcription if warranted.

    If you find information that does not match other records you have for the same individual, please make use of the "add comments" function at the bottom of the screen (note that this is a Members Only feature), to share your alternate information with other researchers.

    Add comments to a record

    Members who are logged in can attach comments to a record in the database. Use this option to provide additional information about a person or event in the record, or to note alternative spellings, names, or dates found in other records concerning the same person or event. All visitors to the site can view these comments, although only logged-in members can add them.

    To use this option, from the Search Results page, select a record by click in the first column to view details; then scroll down to the bottom of the page to view any comments. If you are logged in, enter your comment in the "add a comment" box and click "Save comment."