Trinity Cemetery of Telford, Telford
Previously known as:
Trinity United Church of Christ Cemetery
Also known as:
Trinity Reformed Church Cemetery
Located in:
Street address:
222 East Broad Street, Telford, PA 18969
GPS location:
Latitude: 40.32890
Longitude: -75.32670
Longitude: -75.32670
Trinity Cemetery of Telford
Burial summary
Number of burials: 1211
First burial: 1878
Last burial: ongoing
First burial: 1878
Last burial: ongoing
Contact information:
Jim Gill
Phone: 215-723-9662
Phone: 215-723-9662
Web address:
Original burial records:
Call Jim Gill.
Other references:
A list of gravestone inscriptions is in the BCGS database.
This cemetery is on Findagrave.
The Mercer Museum Library has the following: West Rockhill Township tombstone inscriptions. Doylestown, PA.:Bucks County Historical Society, n.d. [295] p.:28 cm. 9. Call No. 74.821 Cem W. Rockh. Book 55. Telford cemetery records : Saint Paul's Lutheran cemetery ...; Trinity Reformed cemetery record book 1899-1984 ...Doylestown, PA : Bucks County Historical Society, [2005] 9, [4], [5], 69, 9 leaves ; 28 cm. Call No. 974.821 Chu TELFORD. Book 45.
This cemetery is on Findagrave.
The Mercer Museum Library has the following: West Rockhill Township tombstone inscriptions. Doylestown, PA.:Bucks County Historical Society, n.d. [295] p.:28 cm. 9. Call No. 74.821 Cem W. Rockh. Book 55. Telford cemetery records : Saint Paul's Lutheran cemetery ...; Trinity Reformed cemetery record book 1899-1984 ...Doylestown, PA : Bucks County Historical Society, [2005] 9, [4], [5], 69, 9 leaves ; 28 cm. Call No. 974.821 Chu TELFORD. Book 45.
Thanks to volunteer Pat Gessner for gathering information on this cemetery
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